Thank you for praying for the people and work of GC3.

Prayer is critical to all we and our mission partners do in our ministries so thank you in joining us in praying through the items we provide each week. The task of presenting the Gospel is far from over; there remains vast number of people globally who have yet to hear of God’s love.

Ashley (Day 11)

Pray for the Selah team for unity, grace, understanding and care for one another. The kids and the program take a lot of time and attention, and we can sometimes miss checking in on each other or stopping to have important conversations. My first paper online starts next week. Please pray for that and pray for wisdom and insight regarding decisions I need to make in the next couple of months. Pray for Nico, she will be 14 this year and she has begun analysing her life and seeing where she could have done better. She is a bit down about herself and how certain things have gone in her life. Pray that she will understand the depths of God’s grace for her and that she would see and understand how He sees her. Pray that she would stay in school. It’s a huge challenge for her. She has a very low ability in literacy and numeracy and is making problems in class because she is bored and doesn’t understand or doesn’t have patience to be there. Pray she has the courage to stay because this would open doors to apprenticeships. The system here is strict and I don’t really think that door would open later in life for her if she gave up on school now. Even unskilled jobs without completing years 11-12 are very hard to get. 

Kathleen & Antia (17)

Life has got off to a fast pace in our corner of the vineyard. We witnessed God’s miraculous touch on most of the 16 students in the mission school last week. Dark shadows on faces literally vanished as His light shone on areas of spiritual darkness. Pray also for wisdom and spiritual sensitivity in our involvement with a church in crisis.

Kerry & Marie (Day 2)

Marie and I move back to Christchurch NZ in July, finishing our time with MAF in Mareeba. I will be starting work with Air NZ as an aircraft engineer. Please could pray for the following:

Logistics of shifting to be smooth; finding a house to rent in Christchurch; the purchase of a vehicle; and the settling into a church. Pray for Jesse, our youngest, to find a job and accommodation in Cairns, as he will not be returning to NZ with us. This has been a tough decision, but we believe God would have us return to NZ.

Phyllis (Day 8)

1905 to 2025:  Rehoboth is 120 years old this year!

Rehoboth stands as a testimony to God's grace and faithfulness and as a demonstration of the beauty of the prayerful fellowship of the Lord's people through whom our Father channels the needed supplies of daily strength as well as needed material provisions. Thank you, dearly beloved NZ brothers and sisters, in Christ, for being co-workers with us, so faithfully, for so many years.

The Rehoboth Bible College Graduation service is planned for 21st March, to be followed by our first Alumni reunion, on the 22nd March - being held after 22 years of functioning. And, as a special celebration, all Rehoboth Orphanage ex "children" are welcome for a reunion on May 17th. Lord willing. Please pray with us that all those who come will be spiritually blessed, encouraged and challenged. Beyond all, pray that that our Lord will be glorified. Gratefully from all at Rehoboth.

Jeff & Ginny (Day 1)

Praise the Lord that the mission’s conference went well, and we have four new missionary candidates from different islands. We are so glad that all bush workers are back in the fields. There is a remote bush village called ‘Valetvalet’ where our team is planting a church now. Ginny’s been leading the Sunday school. Pray people will come to know Jesus through this church. Pray for our house project which is starting this week. We are aiming to build it in three months. Pray for good teamwork and safety. Pray for us to fix our eyes on Jesus in our daily lives. Also pray for peace in our hearts as there are many things to juggle next few months. Pray for our three children to deepen their relationship with Jesus. Thank you.

Karl & Helene (Day 3)

Please pray for Karl as he tours ten different PNG MAF bases planning the years projects over this week. Pray that planning for the year and upgrading the IT infrastructure goes well. Pray for Helene, Ayla and Thea as they adapt their routine while missing him. Please pray as we move to a different MAF house in two weeks that it won't be disruptive to how settled we feel after four months.

Murray & Ruth (Day 9)

Next week, my six-week online course begins, aimed at training 12 "consultants in training" to check the accuracy of the poetic books (one third of the Old Testament). They already know Hebrew. Please pray they can manage their busy schedules to complete all readings and assignments. Pray also that this helps reduce the worldwide bottleneck for Bible publishing due to the fast-growing demand and the limited number of consultants available.

Andrew & Karen (Day 11)

The new year has brought a number of new people to our team from overseas. Please pray for them as they settle. Pray for the team, that we enjoy good opportunities to minister together in His Name, and that we work through the downs well also. May we grow in our love for Him and for each other. In the coming weeks, we will firm up our plans for 2025. Please ask our Father for His wisdom as we seek His way forward. 

Ashley & Gillian (Day 19)

Give thanks a husband-and-wife team have been appointed managers at the Coral Coast Christian Centre. We intend leaving in early May for the months based at Korotoga, Sigatoka and can have the same rental accommodation as we had last year. In the meantime, we are in the process of doing maintenance on our home during summer and before winter. Pray for the Sigatoka Assembly as a few have moved away for study and jobs and the elders are praying others will come and attend church.

Marion (Day 6)

I received today a book of poems, most honouring to God, with a gentle touch of home. But I must lay it down and send you the words the Lord gave me this morning.

I pray for them, I am not praying for the world but for those you have given me for they are yours.
My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one.
My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe me through their message that all of them may be one, Father...that the world may believe that you have sent me. 

Jack & Jemima (Day 2)

We are grateful that Isobel is growing well, and that Jack will be able to complete his studies at Sydney Missionary and Bible College online by the end of the year, Lord willing. Please pray for us to walk in sync with the Lord as we walk in this new journey of parenthood, and that the Lord would guide and equip us as we seek to love people in Melbourne.

Jonah & Anna (Day 13)

The visa situation in our country has suddenly changed, such that we need to find a new option within the next five months. We may try to start a business. Please pray for guidance and peace for us.

Jonah & Anna (Day 13)

The visa situation in our country has suddenly changed, such that we need to find a new option within the next five months. We may try to start a business. Please pray for guidance and peace for us.

Jeremy & Karina (Day 5)

Praise God for ongoing healing of the severe burn injury Zoë has on her left foot from an accident with a solar water heater on Christmas Day. We thank God for her surgeon and for opportunities to marvel alongside him at the miracle of healing. We thank God for Zoë's courage and trust in God's faithfulness to her. We are so thankful for the six weeks visit from Karina's parents, Ian and Judith, divinely timed to support us as Zoë recovers. It's been such a blessing to spend time with them and show them our lives here. We have a training conference in March in Egypt, pray it will be a special time of growth and refreshment for us all. Pray for Karina's April medical trip, returning to a refugee camp in Iraq to provide care for Syrian refugees, that it will be a time of being Light and Hope in uncertain times. Pray too for upcoming plans to return to NZ for a 4 month visit from May this year. 

Kirsty (Day 8)

Praise God for a refreshing new year. I am feeling expectant and healthy! Also praise God for his healing, I had a successful surgery to remove all four of my wisdom teeth last week and am already back to normal and feeling great! Thanks for your prayers. 


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