Thank you for praying for the people and work of GC3.
Prayer is critical to all we and our mission partners do in our ministries so thank you in joining us in praying through the items we provide each week. The task of presenting the Gospel is far from over; there remains vast number of people globally who have yet to hear of God’s love.
Allan & Marven (Day 1)
Allan continues to manage an Asia-wide research project on evangelical Bible/theological colleges’ perspectives, practices and aspirations for enhancing spiritual, relational and personal formation in their students as a key component of a holistic approach to Christian leadership for effectively serving churches and societies in fulfilling God’s mission. Last year’s survey is leading now into a series of national focus groups, and these will be a challenge to set up and run well. Please pray for wisdom and grace for Allan as he coordinates these across the region, and as the appointed focus group facilitators then conduct the group discussions (probably in a range of languages).
Bill & Angela (Day 17)
Please pray for the construction of our new meeting space. The work has finally begun. Pray it goes smoothly with no accidents and comes in on budget! This coming weekend our leadership team meets to pray and plan for 2025. We are looking forward to all the Lord has in store for us in La Calera. May more people come to know Jesus in 2025 and follow Him and may Family Church be used to that end.
Colleen (Day 7)
Please pray for Colleen as she has had a mild stroke and has been admitted in a hospital nearby. The clot is in the central brain, and it has affected her speech and awareness. She responds if spoken to but has difficultly with speech. She is under medication and speech therapy and needs much prayer. Pray for CMCT’s strategic planning meeting on 24th January as we will be setting goal owners and an action plan for the next five years. Pray for all executives and leaders, for God’s wisdom and discernment to make CMCT a Christian centre for excellence, where the Holy Spirit engages in all aspects of the work of this Mission.
Ester (Day 28)
Praise God for His provision of a Funding/Donor Manager for our team! It was new position that was created last year. Continue to pray for the vacant position of Software Development Director and other new positions that were created last year. Pray for our two colleagues and the participants of the two-week website workshop in Guinea Bissau from the last week of Jan to the first week of Feb 2025. Pray for God's guidance and wisdom for the leaders of Wycliffe and the SIL global community on the next steps for this year - Vision 2025 and beyond.
Tim & Angela (Day 15)
We give thanks that a cease-fire was agreed to. We know it may be a fragile arrangement and ask our Father to impart wisdom and restraint so that the immediate suffering of so many might end, and new ways of going forward become possible. Please lift up our team as we transition to smaller groups, that people would continue to feel well supported within these groups. Please also ask for continued unity of the team as it grows, and for the new members arriving in the coming days and weeks - for grace as they arrive and settle. Please pray for the health of our family over the winter, especially Angela who seems to have had one thing after the other which puts pressure on our home and work life here. We’re grateful to you all for lifting our requests up to the Father.
Andrew & Patrizia (Day 10)
Andrew has been busy writing a chapter for a book relating to the South Asian Diaspora and Patrizia is discipling Anna. We are facing some major challenges relating to trying to rent out our house in Rome for the next 30 months or so. The relative short time span and house maintenance issues do not augment obtaining stable renters. Please pray. One couple (unfortunately he is not yet a believer - she is) is taking the possibility into consideration. We would like to be able to remain in Fondi until Marco finishes his high school years and until our rental contract here expires (May 2027).
Craig & Darlene (Day 1)
We are flying back to Vanuatu on Saturday. Please pray for a smooth transition back amidst the post-earthquake challenges. Give thanks that our SIL building has been given the OK to move back into. Pray for Ruby to have good focus as she launches back into online school this year.
Benjamin & Hannah (Day 11)
Hannah and I were married on December 21st! The wedding was a great success, and it was good to have so many of Hannah's family there, as well as a few of my family and friends from New Zealand. There were a few bumps along the way, but by God's grace we got through them. We have now moved into our apartment and enjoying our new life together. We've also recently resumed studying. This month I have a sprint to finish my Independent Study (like a thesis) to graduate in May. Hannah still has another year to go, and is finishing her final classes, as well starting on her Independent Study. Please pray that God would continue to lead Hannah and myself together on the path he has for us, and to give us listening ears.
David & Meike (Day 10)
We had a good and relaxing Christmas and New Year here in Germany and are getting back into the routine of the early starts with school (Levian is picked up at 6:30). Please pray for our health in this time. The past two years we have had a lot of sickness in the family from January through March, and we are hoping not to repeat that again this year.
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