Bosnia-Herzegovina is a beautiful country, where the hilly landscape is dotted with picturesque mountain villages. Ten years ago, in one of those villages, three Muslim women began to meet together in secret. They would log on to the internet and read the Bible together. Over time, they became attracted to the person of Jesus Christ. Desperate to know more about him, they mustered the courage to drive from their mountain village, where there was no church, to the another town, 45 minutes away. They searched for a pastor there, one who was rumored to know Jesus. Finding him, they asked questions and listened as he told them about Jesus. They responded enthusiastically, “He’s the one we want to meet!”
Today they belong to Christ.
In a land where less than two-tenths of 1 percent know the Lord, God is at work. Praise God for the miraculous salvation of men and women all over the world, particularly in countries with little access to the gospel. Pray for the growth of the church in Bosnia and the Balkans, so that many others might know and preach Christ in the region. Pray or the faithful pastors in small communities, that they might know their work is not in vain.
Now those who were scattered went about preaching the word. . . . So there was much joy in that city. Acts 8:4, 8