GC3 Administrator Role

GC3 provides a unique service to our churches and to the people they send to cross-cultural ministries around the world. We also invest in cross-cultural missions’ awareness in young people through a gap-year program and the promotion of funding for institutions and disaster relief.

Right now, we are in a phase of transition.  We’re looking for someone called by God to become involved in this dynamic role, using the opportunity to serve God within a well-established Christian charity dedicated to bringing the Gospel message to people of diverse ethnicities in holistic ways.  You will be part of a team of like-minded people passionate about serving God and His people in this way, eagerly using the gifts, skills and training God has given you.  You will get to experience the infectious encouragement from people whose hearts are firmly set on being Jesus to others, bringing His life-changing message of love, hope, peace, and joy.  Humility and a servant attitude are therefore important.

Cross-cultural mission is constantly changing.  And while the principles  of the service we offer and provide are bedrocks, we are committed to the regular review of the support we provide to those at the pit-face of God’s work.  How is it best to leverage what we do to enhance the modern focus of social and general justice issues?  What advice do we give now to church leaders and prospective mission partners considering Covid-19 impacts and restrictions?  With general diaspora, what new opportunities are presenting for cross-cultural mission within NZ?  These are some of the questions we are currently addressing to retain our effectiveness in ‘thought leadership’ for those people we love to serve.

As the administrator you get to work alongside a small team of enthusiastic Christian people, people who are totally dedicated to God’s call, people appreciating the power of the Gospel to transform lives and to bring spiritual freedom, people wanting to be a part in effectively bringing about God’s kingdom here on earth.  Governance is provided by a Board of people equally passionate about mission.

While our immediate need is for an administrator, if you have a heart for and experience in mission leadership and care, there could be a place for you in our team so we’d welcome your enquiry as well.

If you feel God’s tug on your heart for getting involved in something like we have here at GC3, ask Him to confirm it to you.  Why not talk to your church leaders and other trusted Christian people around you?  And be sure to ask me questions about the role too! 

Sefton Marshall  
Operations Director
021 485 445