Paul & Helen Simaure

Paul and Helen Simaure have a passion for evangelism and enabling others to come to know Jesus Christ. Helen, in particular, uses her gift for language to bring God's Word to the various people groups in PNG. The couple have four children, two of whom are adopted. 

Paul became a Christian as a child and was baptised in 1991. He is from Yabru village in the Green River area. He trained as an environmental health officer and worked in both government and mining establishments. In 2010, he was appointed the CBC Health Secretary for four years. Following that, he pursued ministry, studying at CLTC 2015 - 2016. 

Helen is also from the Green River area. She began a university degree but could not complete it due to lack of funds. When she returned home, she helped SIL missionaries Arjen and Maia Lock with a translation of the Old Testament. 

In 2017, Paul and Helen completed an internship year that stoked their passion for evangelism, literacy and village-based skills. The ministry is based out of the SIL literacy centre at Yabru and took them to villages along the Sepik River and the PNG-Indonesian border (see map). It was a fruitful time. 

In 2019 the Simaures returned to CLTC for degree level study. Helen continues to translate portions of the Old Testament into her home language, and they are keen to pursue these ministries on their return home. 

​The GC3 Scholarship Fund

The GC3 Scholarship Fund nurtures national believers to pursue biblical studies, preferably in their home country. The capital fund currently sits at $101,000; only interest on this capital is distributed, so our impact is affected by the financial climate. These scholarships cover up to half of students’ costs, such as course fees, accommodation, books and travel.  

These students live in places where local churches find it difficult to fund ministry training, particularly India, Asia and the Pacific Rim. In each case, a scholarship can make the difference between someone pursuing Bible training or deferring this calling.  

The harvest is ripe, but the workers are few. Help us raise up national believers like Martin & Matilda Komau, training them to know God’s word and to disciple others. 


Read more about the GC3 Scholarship Fund by Ossie Fountain here.  

Contact Sefton Marshall on 06 357 8388 if you would like to know more or have any questions about the Scholarship Fund.