
to sharpen our thinking

Not matter where we are in the world at the moment, Covid-19 has impacted all of our lives, and as a result, we are all having to rethink how we live and work. Part of that rethinking also requires us to relook at how we do church and what that means to the way we live out our faith in daily life.

Some friends of ours in Asia have put together a few questions for you to ponder over the next few weeks.

1. What truths and stories from God’s word can I meditate on and share with others during this pandemic?

2. Am I communicating hope and faith or fear and anxiety with others?

3. Are there people in my immediate vicinity that I can help and support during this time?

4. In a time of less human interaction, what are the ways I can still engage in Christian fellowship?

5. If there was no available or adequate care for those infected by the coronavirus, would I be willing to go and care for them?

6. Defining faith as ‘the assurance of what I do not see’, do I have more faith that the coronavirus will spread or that God is working through it?

7. If I have more time alone this next month, how am I using it well?

8. How can I be more generous with my resources and finances during this time?

9. How could I use this pandemic as an opportunity to be content with less?

10. What things can I thank God for amid this outbreak?

As you reflect on the things above, may you find peace and comfort in Him who is in control of all things.

Sefton Marshall
Operations Manager, GC3