
What is GCiM?

GCiM encourages churches & individuals to be proactively involved in effective mission. We also provide support services to mission partners scattered around the world.

Our work with churches ...

There are a number of ways we provide that specific encouragement, support & focus in our work with churches. When we visit we can

  • listen & enable discovery of the gifts God has given your church to work with
  • complete a mission awareness profile of your church to enlarge your mission opportunities
  • participate in missions weekends & events run by your church
  • provide resources to help with the function of your missions team
  • introduce you to a wide range of partnership opportunities
  • counsel individuals who are looking at specific mission opportunities
  • answer questions you might have about GC3 & help with an understanding of all we do

Our work on the wider scale ...

For well over 100 years now, we have assisted mission partners to extend God's kingdom by providing mission agency services, mostly through volunteer resources. Today, our strategy is to actively facilitate mission from a local church level to specific ministries God has called people to and to cross-cultural global partnerships. In particular, we:

  • currently serve 150 mission partners engaged in overseas ministries
  • processed in excess of $2.4M in the funding of these & other national locally based people
  • service an increasing number of indigenous partnerships & projects
  • regularly conduct pastoral care visits to our mission partners
  • communicate current, vital prayer needs through our weekly e-Connect emails
  • publish our Daily Prayer Guide
  • offer short term missions programmes through our network of contacts
  • conduct strategic leadership seminars
  • network with other mission agencies both here in New Zealand as well as around the world
  • liaise with our international sister organisations

All of the funding we receive for our mission partners in any calendar month is sent to their nominated bank account on the first working day of the month following. The only exception to this is in December when we close off mid-month & remit before our Christmas holidays. When it comes to our charges, we believe in transparency. Our only charges for remitting funds is 8%, & we prefer that this is 'front-loaded', that is, if $100 is given for a mission partner, then a payment of $108 is made to us.

Besides funds being specifically nominated for a particular mission partner, we welcome funds without designation so we can send those funds at our discretion to our mission partners who may have a particular need they have advised us of. We issue receipts to donors for all the gifts we receive & account fully to our mission partners regarding the source of their funds.