Who Is GC3?

GC3 - Extending God's kingdom through cross-cultural mission.

The aim of GC3 is to enhance mission involvement within the network of Christian Brethren Churches in New Zealand and around the world.

GC3's vision statement is "Effective Mission through every Church"

GC3 values strategic, shared faith based mission partnerships, empowered by prayerful dependence on God that proclaims the good news of the Gospel, loves justice, and through activities of rebuilding and renewal restores broken communities.

GC3 values culturally appropriate accountability, the correct and timely use of funds, reporting and liaising with local churches, agencies and mission partners in a pastorally supportive manner.

GC3 values the work of NZ missionaries over the years and the local expressions of church and mission that have risen from that. We value partnerships with indigenous local churches and their representatives.

GC3 values the mandate given to it by our local churches to take an operational lead to encourage and facilitate connecting disciples, churches and agencies in mission, both locally and overseas.

Some key aspects of GC3:

  • Serves 114 placements / units in cross cultural mission
  • Annually handles in excess of NZ $2.4m of mission funding
  • Services an increasing number of indigenous partnerships and projects
  • Supports national workers
  • Provides scholarship funds
  • Visits mission partners
  • Communicates vital prayer needs
  • Publishes the Daily Prayer Guide
  • Issues GC3 Connect – our mission focused publication
  • Issues e-Connect - our weekly prayerlink
  • Assists churches to formulate effective mission strategies
  • Supports churches in/with short term missions programmes
  • Conducts strategic leader seminars
  • Liaises with international sister organisations and other mission agencies
  • Runs a gap year called Headspace to grow passionate mission orientated young people

Our GC3 brand is used extensively to generically cover all we do in our three trusts. You will see it on our signage, our publications & anywhere we are representing one of our trusts.

We believe we are a vital link in the mission chain, supporting the extension and development of God's kingdom through cross-cultural mission.

Each trust has been created for its own distinct purpose & each has a different & distinct function. However, what we do here in NZ & around the world in any one of these trusts is focussed on our core purpose, "Effective Mission – Every Church".

These trusts are

  • GCiM - which encourage churches & individuals to be proactively involved in effective mission.
  • GC Assist - which conducts the operations of GC3.
  • GC Aid - which focusses on providing humanitarian assistance & holistic development for individuals & communities.

All three trusts are registered with the Charities Commission & are subject to an independent audit each year.