
El Salvador Flood Relief

Give to flood relief in El Salvador

"There is widespread flooding, landslides, houses destroyed, and deaths. Many families have been evacuated and are in refugee centres." 

This week we have been in contact with our partner Hazel Brownlie (Day 15), who has been serving the Lord in El Salvador.  She has shared about the widespread impact of flooding across the country and the devastation that it has caused.  We have an opportunity to partner with believers in El Salvador as they love and care for their flood-devastated communities.

We have an opportunity to partner with believers in El Salvador as they love and care for their flood-devastated communities.

Your gifts will go to local families who have lost much because of flooding. Hazel has been in contact with her friends in other parts of the country, and together they have identified three key projects we can help with.

Wage relief for construction workers

Twelve construction workers and their families attend the local church. They make bricks out of clay and are unable to work.

  • $80 per family for basic necessities

Groceries for Families

Relief for 240 families whose children and youth attend Church Bible groups. Many of these parents aren't able to work at this time either.

  • $30 per family for bags of groceries

Support for Las Delicios community

The community in Las Delicios is the worst affected.
30 families have been evacuated from their flooded homes so far. 

  • $30 per family for bags of groceries

  • $80 per family to replace household items lost in the flood 

Hazel plans to continue to visit these families with other believers. They look forward to sharing Christ's love with this community.

The Las Delicios house they used as a base after the last flood is currently flooded. Hazel and her team will use this house as a base this time, too.

The Las Delicios house they used as a base after the last flood is currently flooded. Hazel and her team will use this house as a base this time, too.

Hazel is no stranger to helping with flood relief. Several years ago she was on the ground during another flooding disaster. With other local believers, they opened their church door to feed and home displaced people.

"It was an amazing way to shine for Christ when we worked in the community later.  We got to know them all well, and look forward to helping them again."

Visting families in Las Delicios after flooding in 2018

Visting families in Las Delicios after flooding in 2018